Success Stories

Chokri Soltani: a young Tunisian man from Ain Drahem succeeds in turning his physical disability into artistry

Chokri Soltani is a living proof of someone who refused to give up to his physical disability and unemployment, and instead chose to turn his childhood passion of carving wood into a full time job, and to make a living out of it.

Chokri Soltani is a 33 year old man born and raised in Aïn Drahem, Jendouba. And despite being denied special care and treatment for those with physical disabilities and quitting school at an early age, Chokri made sure to work hard to master his crafts.

In an interview with Successful Tunisia, Chokri said that he first learned pottery at the Association for Disabled People in Aïn Drahem, but quit later on to pursue his childhood passion for carving wood and turning it into antiques and toys for children.

Chokri managed to invest his humble resources and opened a small workshop in his own house. He soon started getting more recognition for his art works.

Chokri rejects unemployment, and encourages people to support his art and small business.

Rania Loghmari

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